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Notice Templates


I would like to say a huge thank you to all the authors of these Notices.

The best thing that I could suggest is that you take parts from different Notices and make them your own, when I first started fighting the corrupt system a few years ago as I didn't know what I was doing I used the templates that I found and was met with the responses: Firstly a number of supplementary requests have been made using the standardized outline, Or You appear to be following misconceptions that have no relevance, or it appears you are following tactics suggested on internet sites and that they have no genuine liability; words to these effect. I always put in my Notices: Let us pre-empt you that if you believe this Notice to be a template or it appears we are following tactics suggested on internet sites and that they have no genuine liability Is Irrelevant. That being the case you will have no issues providing us with the requested documents so that we can settle this matter? 

Council Tax Notice Templates HERE


Banks Loans & Credit Cards HERE


Parking, Speeding & ULEZ Fines HERE


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