Council Tax
Council Tax is fraud and they have been getting away with it for years.
Council Tax is mandatory and there is no obligation to pay it.
The council's are under a legal obligation to prove that we the people are under an obligation to comply with the Legislations they rely on. [they cant]
I understand that all the information on this page maybe overwelming but I want to give you as much as I can so that you can see the fraud the councils are comiting.
The employees at the councils are civil servants meaning that they work for us the people. They are our servants in public office. The council building's and all their assets belong to us, not the council the CEO's or their shareholders.
We the people should be standing together and holding them to account for the fraud and deception they are committing on a daily basis.
Councils will use 'The Local Government Finance Act 1992' this is secondary legislation to our Constitution and primary legislation which is to protect us the people from tyranny.
Please do NOT just stop paying your council tax, contact your Council with a Notice of Conditional Acceptance and let them know you are going to withhold payments until they can provide the evidence that you require [which they are unable to]
Together we can help bring this corrupt system down using peaceful mass non-compliance.
It is not an easy journey but its a journey worth fighting for if we could do this on mass they do not have enough resourses administration or bailiffs to enforce anything and by doing your own due diligence comes power and the loss of fear. [fear = False Evidence Appearing Real]
Mass civil non-compliance is the way.
I apologise if all the information on this page is overwhelming, however I want to give you as much as possible so that you can see the fraud that is being committed and in the hope it gives you the confidence to withhold your Council Tax and be able to stand your ground [as Robert from the Observation Deck would say].
The Council Tax Fraud PDF - HERE
Council Tax Information - HERE
In this video HERE Dave explains about Utilities and Council Tax around 1.50hrs in, I highly recommend you watch the whole
video then reach out to Dave at heading 'Template Pack'.